Saturday, November 17, 2012

not only was our childhood UH-mazing, it was borderline emotionally (and at times physically) abusive... not to ALL involved though... just me ofcourse. thobeka. the short black girl in a household of tall white people. let me illustrate with a short story:

i was always, and i mean always, picked on.
it became the norm.
one day the 'let's pick on thobeka' was so bad during snack time (which was copius amounts of fruits) inbetween swimming,  that cecilia (j's mom) decided to interject by saying:
 "you guys, leave thobeka alone! good heavens, you're like flies around a piece of poo!"

yes. you heard right, she compared me to poo.
i wasn't sure whether to thank her or feel insulted??

safe to say, the laughter was rampant and it only gave sam, juanique and conryd more ammunition. i was less than impressed.

thanks for the trying to help cecilia, your moment will go down in history :)

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